Download Patterns
Below are a few sites that have huge collections of background patterns for you to download and use for free.
Brusheezy Patterns
Deviantart Patterns
Squid Fingers Patterns
Pattern 8
Patterns Ava7
Din Pattern
Everyday Icons Patterns
Pattern Cooler
k10k Pixel Patterns
Noqta Patterns
Make your own patterns online
Make you own custom patterns online and downlaod them, or use someone elses as a base for you own creation.
Stripe Mania
Bg Patterns
Stripe Generator
Repeating background patterns and images, patterns such as these can be used for a host of things such as a web page backgrounds, or adding that extra detail to a containing block, adjust the visibility and you’ve got a great new look for some thing that would normally look quite plain.
Here you’ll find some tutorials on how to create your own patterns and some resources to download patterns.
There’s probably a lot more sources out there and id love to know about them, so if you’ve seen any awesome pattern sites or tutorials on how to create patterns feel free to leave a comment where they can be found and ill add them to the list, hope this has been useful.
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